King Edward's Consortium

King Edwards Consortium

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Selection process

Successful applicants will be invited to a selection day at the KEC Training Centre.   Applicants invited to interview will have online content checks undertaken prior to their interview.  Candidates sit paper-based tests in numeracy and literacy and answer written questions relating to their chosen teaching subject.  The subject questions are sufficiently broad and general to allow all candidates with a background in the subject to tackle them with confidence.  Candidates are advised to look at GCSE and A' Level specifications in their subject to familiarise themselves with the aspects of the subject normally studied in secondary schools.  Candidates then have an interview with the Director of Initial Teacher Training. Original certificates, proof of identity and proof of right to work/study must be brought to interview. 

In addition to the paper-based tests, MFL applicants will be asked to complete an oral test. Art and design, design and technology, drama and music applicants will be given an additional practical test. Art and design and design and technology applicants will also be invited to bring a portfolio of their most recent work.

When the selection process is complete, the KEC will offer a place on one of our programmes to successful candidates. This will be conditional on receipt of the following: 

  • an enhanced DBS check which clears the applicant to work with young people;
  • a completed health check form which confirms the fitness to train to teach of the applicant;
  • proof that the applicant is entitled to work/study in the UK;
  • satisfactory completion of degree (where relevant).

Other conditions, such as satisfactory completion of a subject knowledge enhancement programme or additional work experience in school may be set for individual candidates where relevant.

On receipt of an offer, successful candidates will also be offered a visit to the school that is likely to be their main placement school. This will give candidates a feel for where they will be training and also provides an opportunity to meet colleagues and pupils.

School Direct (salaried) second interview

As prospective employees, School Direct (salaried) applicants who are successful at KEC interview will then be recommended for a second interview which is school-based.  Please take into account our two-stage process for School Direct (salaried) trainees when applying and be ready to set aside two days if called to interview.

The second stage of the interview takes place in the employing KEC school.  This interview day includes: 

  1. A short lesson planned and delivered by the applicant to a small group of pupils (information about this activity will be provided by the school in advance of interview day);
  2. A professional interview with a senior member of staff and a subject specialist.


Much time and effort ensure that the trainee's experience is a very positive one from recruitment through to employment.

External Examiner