King Edward's Consortium

King Edwards Consortium

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Initial Teacher Training - course structure

How is the KEC course structured?

  • Induction. All KEC trainees attend our two-day central induction programme and spend one or more days in their main school during the July before they join us.  This allows trainees to meet their peers, begin to engage with some key issues in teaching and familiarise themselves with the school department in which they will be based for the year;
  • Subject and Professional Mentors on each placement.  All trainees have weekly one-to-one tutorials with a subject specialist and regular meetings with their Professional Mentor to review progress against the ITT Core Content Framework;
  • Concurrent, complementary school-based and centre-based programmes, with the centre-based programme running on Mondays throughout the year in our high-quality Training Centre in Kings Heath.  All trainees are released by their schools to attend the Monday sessions;
  • Four bespoke 'intensive training and practice' experiences which provide opportunities to focus on the acquisition and practice of key skills, knowledge and understanding in granular detail;
  • Trainees have tutorial sessions to support assignment writing;
  • Subject development events led by the KEC Subject Lead team;
  • An individual training plan built around your needs;
  • A gradual introduction to teaching for SCITT trainees, working alongside experienced teachers OR a timetable of not more than 12 hours per week for School Direct (salaried) trainees;
  • A carefully-selected second placement experience which complements your experience in your main school;
  • Visits to you in school by the Director of ITT and by your KEC Subject Lead;
  • Access to our central library and resources and loan of core texts for all trainees;
  • Extensive support with job applications and interviews;
  • Access to library facilities at the University of Birmingham for PGDipEd (QTS) trainees;
  • Support from a very close-knit ‘family’ of fellow trainees and trainers across our schools.  This lasts many trainees well-beyond the training year and supports them as they take up teaching posts and progress in their careers.
If you decide to choose the King Edward’s Consortium as your training provider we will consider you for a training place in one of our 23 schools, taking into account your home address and travel arrangements as well as ensuring you are placed in an excellent subject department. 


The training sessions are of the highest calibre with a good range of resources and outside speakers.

KEC Trainee